The Unapologetic Life

(3-Part Free Webinar Series)

As magical beings, it's challenging and unfulfilling when we don't have a clear sense of purpose. We notice all subtleties in our environments. We care deeply about others and desire to make the world a better place. But, unfortunately, sometimes, giving too much comes at the expense of our dreams. As a result, many of us are recovering codependents and people pleasers or still working through these survival behaviors. But you are no longer alone. At SPC, we are on a mission to help as many sensitive and empathetic professionals align their careers and lives with their values to thrive on their terms.


Part 1: Discover Your Core Values Without Overthinking

We all talk about values, but do we know our own, or how will others receive what we are trying to say about ourselves? Values are traits, characteristics, and personal strengths specific to a person or shared within a group, corporation, or community.

In a series of 7 steps, you will holistically discover values from all aspects of your life (past, present, and future) and learn how to define your 5-7 core values.

Part 2: How to Live Your Values Without Guilt

What are Life Pillars? Life pillars are the primary focal points in someone's life. What are the areas in your life that matter the most to you? There is no wrong or right. What is important is that you become clear on the categories in your personal life that require your focus, time, and dedication.

In this webinar, we will be helping you determine and define your life pillars and evaluate them against your core values, allowing you to live intentionally and align with your best unapologetically Self!

Part 3: Bulletproof Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals to Thrive

Goals should inspire us to take action and challenges that promote our growth while directly enhancing our lives. In the previous webinars, you identified your core values and life pillars. Meanwhile, this webinar will take you further and help you establish values-based habits through S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) Goals.

In Part 3: Bulletproof Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals, you'll learn how to reverse-engineer your goals into smaller yearly, quarterly, and weekly tasks that will optimize your ability to take action while developing the habits needed to support each goal.

Part 1 is a series of 7 steps; you will holistically discover values from all aspects of your life (past, present, and future) and learn how to define your 5-7 core values.


In Part 2, we will be helping you determine and define your life pillars and evaluate them against your core values, allowing you to live intentionally and align with your best unapologetically Self!


In this final webinar, you'll learn how to reverse-engineer your goals into smaller yearly, quarterly, and weekly tasks that will optimize your ability to take action while developing the habits needed to support each goal.

Additional Resources: