Neftalí (Nef) Vélez (He/Him/His)

Human. Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) & High Sensation Seeker (HSS). ENFJ. Mind Engineer. Bilingual Life Coach (English & Spanish). Co-Active Training Institute Graduate. Founder & CEO.


I used to be my own worst enemy, but today I am my greatest champion—and I’m committed to helping others experience the same mindset shifts in feeling inspired, bold, and successful. Live in fulfillment, personally and professionally.

As a highly sensitive gay man and a minority who began his career in the San Francisco Bay Area, I understand the challenges of being an outlier. My childhood was marked by abandonment and a crippling religious upbringing that informed my early adult life with fear and a victim mentality. I was repeating patterns of codependency and blame. My victim narrative gave my power away to other people as I neglected my own needs and boundaries.

Despite looking successful on the outside as an accomplished engineer “thriving” in San Francisco, I was deeply unhappy and insecure. It seemed the more I acquired, the more I felt like something was missing.

I know what it’s like to be seen as overly sensitive, to overthink, overdo, overcommit, and over-achieve to fill a void due to a lack of self-acceptance, only to feel depleted. The life I built wasn’t serving me anymore, and I couldn’t experience my true potential because I was living in survival mode. Thankfully, circumstances can evolve. People can evolve.

This was when I turned to various therapy modalities and studies to hone self-awareness and self-growth. I started using my spiritual and intuitive self with a more focused intention.

Coaching helped me understand, embrace, and leverage my sensitive nature with my need to seek new experiences to achieve fulfilling success.

I stopped blaming others or relying on external things and started owning my power. I learned to manage my overwhelm while being proactive about new life experiences. Today I seek quality over quantity, honoring myself and my needs to deepen authentic connections and pursue achievements that truly serve my soul.

I put my most exhilarating, inspired path into action—and so can you.